"God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him in the midst of loss, not prosperity." --John Piper

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am doing this because I said I would

I am reading the book, "The Divine Mentor" by Wayne Cordeiro. I borrowed it from a friend, and since I assume that he assumes I borrowed it to read it, that is what I will do. Like it or not.

I have somewhat of a negative attitude as I start. Only because I know my church. I liken them to the church at Galatia, though I doubt they would see it that way. But they preach a lot of moralism, doused with just enough Jesus (at least in their own opinion) to avoid damnation. (Did I just write that? It sounds a bit strong.)

I went to the men's meeting yesterday. There, the need to study Scripture was presented like a hammer to a nail. Bam! Now if you are a reader of this blog, you know that I love and read Scripture. But then, so did the Pharisees. So I know that that in itself will not bring about life change. My fear is that there are those who think it will. An entire night devoted to reading the Bible, but little said about the one to whom the Bible points. (In case you haven't read it lately, its Jesus. Hope I didn't spoil the ending for you.)

"Life will only yield its best fruit to diligent farmers and its treasures to industrious pilrims." (page 10) Sounds like a great statement. But is it truth? Does God only give his best to those who are diligent and industrious? Or, does God take the lowly and humble and exalt them? I think of David here. He loved God, and I believe that he loved God from the start, even as a shepherd boy in a field prior to being called. But God did not choose him because of his diligence or industriousness. Even David's own father did not think it necessary for David to be there when Samuel came to annoint one of his sons as king. Samuel had to ask Jesse if he was sure that all of his sons were present. Jesse's response? Well, there is David, who is out tending the sheep. It seems as if Jesse did not think David the right or even a possible choice. But God did. And I love what God does in Judges 7:2. "The Lord said to Gideon, "The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel boast over me saying, 'My own had has saved me.'" Then, God tells Gideon to start sending people home. 22,000 paired down to 300. Solomon pleased God by asking for wisdom, but that later became his downfall. Truth is, as I see it in Scripture, life yields its best fruit to whomever God chooses. And God tends to choose those who are humble in heart, although there are even examples where this does not seem the case (Jonah and Peter come to mind here).

"God has given an assignment to certain men and women who, though dead, "still speak." (pages 10-11) Amen! God did it! He chose who would be recorded in the pages of His story, the Bible. He is an awesome and a Sovereign God! These men and women are to be our mentors as they reveal GOD to us. That is their purpose, just as it is our purpose to reveal Him to those around us today. And just as in our own lives, there will be good times and bad times. And in all times, there is God.


Robin said...

Good post. I haven't read the book yet, but I have read some of Cordeiro. I know what you mean about your church, and yes, it was strong. But the point is valid.

God does indeed seem to choose just whomever He chooses. If He chose the wisest or most diligent then it would be for their glory, not His. But who gives wisdom or even diligence? Is it not God? God does give wisdom to and use the humble for His purposes, as we see He gives wisdom to Solomon. Solomon in the end did do God's will, and though dead and fallen, does still speak God's word. Jonah is God's messenger to teach us humility even if he never learned it - I think he did, for he wrote the book even though it made him look like a fool.
The same for Peter. God is merciful that He may use one man or woman's road to humility to lead many.

God alone knows the end. He is the beginning and the end. And He knows what and who will learn in the end, for none of us are worthy at the outset.

kc bob said...

I wonder about those diligent farmers and what fields they are planting in. If you sow religious seeds you will get a religious crop.